Sunday 14 February 2016


Technology, technology is the fastest growing field right now and there's no sign of stopping anytime soon. My beloved audience, "Are you a tech savvy? Should we be tech- savvy ? The answer is " We must be a tech savvy"

Actually, being a tech savvy is not an impossible task, but it definitely required time and energy to master the basic. We the Generation Y , generation Z have no problem with advance technology, but my parents from the baby boomers generation do have problem with advanced technology. A very good example is my mum. She got a smart phone recently but she only use it to SMS, receiving calls and calling. But now she gets smarter, she is able to whatsapp and go on social networks. That is after many rounds of teaching her. However, sometimes I noticed that she will not spontaneously use the apps in the phone to help her solve he immediate problem. Well, old habits hard to die.

Our generation is really a tech savvy. We grow up with technology. We grow up with smartphones, computers. We know how to use the smart phone inside out without reading the specifications from the guide book. Ladies and gentlemen, do you realise that when we buy a smart phone nowadays it does not come with any manual book on how to use the apps of the smart phone. But we are able to use it well. This is because we dare to explore by touching the buttons on the phone.

In fact, it has woven into our lives and we rely on it so much that without computers or smartphones we just cannot perform, and the day is incomplete without social networking with friends through Facebook , tweeter , wechat, and whatsapp. It makes sense, years ago, it took time to write letter , then find an envelope and go to the post office to buy stamps and post it . Today we chat through social networks and they are sent in an instant. Having free internet, telephone calls also helps us to stay in touch more often for longer. Everyone is at it, from five years old to tech savvy grandparents.

We are often armed with smart phone wherever we go. We are plugged in 24hours a day, 7 days a week playing the latest games and listening to the current musics or even skype with your friends from all over the world. Ladies and gentlemen, have you been on a LRT? What do you see when you step into the LRT? People busy with their electronic gadgets. Texting,reading their downloads and busy replying to messages. Their heads are down , their eyes are glued to the small screen of this powerfully gadgets they have no time to sit back relax and enjoy the ride. Worst still, let me tell you an experience which I recently encountered . One day , when my grandpa and I board the LRT which was quite pack. Sadly, none of the youngsters gave up their seats for my grandpa. I told my grandpa "Hi grandpa, you should be very happy . This implies that you still look very young. Do you know why? You have painted your hair black . If your hair is grey or white maybe these healthy young people will give up their seats .

They do not realise their surroundings, they do not realise a pregnant woman, or an elderly man has board the train. So , where is the basic courtesy to give up their seats to those who are in need ?

There's  a shift in our communication, we prefer to communicate through Facebook , whatsapp, twitter, less on e-mail and text messaging. We are comfortable using online technology rather that face-to-face contact .

No matter to what your reason is to be tech savvy per se essential. However, we should have our self assessment that personal contact with friends, relatives and most importantly spending quality time with our family members, our loved ones should be prioritized . Ladies and gentlemen, for a good way to start after this speech can we have a selfie for rememberance for every moment nowadays is a selfie moment .

Saturday 6 February 2016


I  started on my homework,
But my pen ran out of ink,
My dog ate my homework,
My computer’s on the blink

I accidentally dropped it
In the soup my mom was cooking
My brother flushed it down the toilet ,
When I wasn’t looking.

My mother ran my homework
Through the washer and the dryer,
An airplane crashed into our house,
My homework caught on fire

Tornadoes  blew my notes away,
Volcanoes struck the town,
My homework was taken,
By an evil killer clown.

Some aliens abducted me,
I had a shark attack.
A pirate grabbed my homework
And refused to give it back

It took so long  to make this up.
I realized, with a dread,
It would have been easier,
To do the work instead.

Wednesday 3 February 2016


It definitely goes on and on that whenever it come to valentines , people often nags that its a problematic thing being single. But from my perspective being a teenager myself I observe that certain  teenagers are obsess on being in a relationship . Some even complains that they have no dates to go on this valentines or no one to buy them flowers, gifts etc,etc..Sometimes teenagers nowadays are too carried away by emotions and its too hard for them to face reality . However the perplexing matter is valentines is not just about spending a quality time with your boyfriends or girlfriends. Valentines is a day where love is embraced despite the relationships , be it with your family , close friends or relatives .  I personally believe its a day to clear misunderstandings and have a crystal clear relationships with your close ones . Being single myself , I have never felt lonely , simply thanks to the people i'm surrounded with . My families and wonderful friends I have gifted with .        So complains and nags are just simply  resistible. Changes happens when you value the little but yet precious ones around you. Most importantly be yourself ....and yes I have friends worth more than a valentines day !

Thursday 27 November 2014

Words for the soul ...

                       *      ~  The Advice From The Heart ~  *


Sometimes what you see is not something you need to believe .....
The world is sometimes a cruel place ....
First you get something you've always wanted ....
Then when you blink...
The next thing you know ....
It's gone ...
We can never predict future....
Cause it always turns out what we didn't expect...
It may be something bad or something good .....
No one knows .... It's all In his hand ...
First there's a world of joy going on ...
Then the tears comes...
Our feelings are like the weather ...
Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes stormy...
You may never judge the future but it judges you from the day you came alive
Life is never easy all the time...
And it can never be cause there will always be a little hard times....
And these hard times are challenges that we human beings need to face ...
The more we endure the more experience we gain....
Experience are the best things in life ...
Without them .... The negative side will always conquer you...
Positivity is all you ever need to live ...                                            
 Sometimes it's hard to tell if something is gonna be yours forever cause
That something is not with you from the start of your live
It's best if you let it go for a while ...
And if it comes back  to you ...
Then that something is guaranteed yours ....
It says that to gain a success in life you need to lose something you preciously love ....
Yes... It's true ....
You may not see the result now but maybe you'll see it in the future ...
Life is only a success if you achieve it with a whole -heartedly ...
And most importantly .... It's best if you be yourself.....
Trying to be somebody else ... Is just a copy-cat ..and not reality...
Never judge  someone based on their popularity .... Respect their personality...
And  accept their originality......
Human beings are created by God in different perspective ..... Some are born with everything by their side ...... but some need to work really hard to get something by their side....
According to Newton's First Law every action must have a reaction ....
So  no matter how hard you try .... There will always be something beneficial waiting ....for you